- Black Magic, Blog

The Role of Rituals in Modern Black Magic Practices

Contrary to the negative connotations that are associated with the term black magic, today’s black magic rituals are not as evil as one might think. Through rituals, the practitioners are provided with a structure through which they can direct their intentions and communicate with the spirits. Most of the current black magic practices are rooted in the ancient practices with slight modifications to fit today’s world.

Candle magic for instance is a popular form of ritual used in manifestation, protection and in order to remove negative energies. Candles can be labeled with different symbols and rituals and practitioners may light candles with specific purposes in mind. Herbal magic is also involved, and herbs and oils are used in making powerful spells and charms. SOME of the things that are used in rituals include crystals, tarot cards, and timing based on astrology.

In conclusion, it can be stated that rituals in the modern black magic are the means for the practitioners to become active and proactive in the construction of their existence and the world they live in. Although the details may differ, the goal is invariable – to control spirits by deliberate act.

About Cesar Esparza

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